J. Edward Palmer

Municipal Court Judge: Town of Hackettstown, Mansfield Township, Washington Township, Washington Boro, Oxford Township, Independence Township, Town of Belvidere, White Township
Planning Board Attorney, Lopatcong Township
Board of Adjustment Attorney, Lopatcong Township
Educated in Hackettstown School System, graduated Hackettstown High School, 1961
Montclair State College, 1970, B.A. Degree
Seton Hall University Law School, 1975,
J.D. Degree Diplomate of Municipal Law, 1993
United States Marine Corps, 1962-1966. Honorable Discharge. Awarded Vietnam Service Medal.
Rank: Corporal
"Professionalism In The Law" Award 2000 - Awarded by Professionalism Commission N.J.S.B.A. representing Warren County
Municipal Court Judge in various Warren County Municipalities
Hackettstown Planning Board Attorney
Frelinghuysen Township Board of Adjustment Attorney
Oxford Township Planning Board Attorney
Liberty Township Planning Board Attorney
Hardwick Township Zoning Board Attorney
Independence MUA Attorney
Civil Trial Practice
Corporations, Partnership & Business Law
Divorce & Family Law
Land Use and Planning/Zoning Board
Personal Injury
Real Estate Law
Wills, Estates & Trusts
Probate Administration & Litigation